Thread: Bookmakers.....
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Old January 19th, 2014, 20:08
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Originally Posted by Part-Timer View Post
Years ago we all paid 10% tax on winnings, bookies complained it was killing them so the Government dropped it. How did they repay this? 10 years later they all moved offshore. Time to seriously consider the way the French do it, Tote only and profits go back into prizemoney. Stop all these leeches.

Its a good idea but....

Fred The Red brought the tote and now he takes 40%...

Its all corrupt and its the owners who pay the money to put the races into the shops that are suffering...

Prize money is at an all time low but as long as people are pouring their wages and savings into machines that are clearly fixed for the bookies to win it will only get worse.

Labour tried to get a bill through parliment last week limiting the number of machines and the amount you can stake but Cameron decided that he would like more time to investigate...

The sooner we get rid of him and the "gay libs" the better......they are just raping the country but thats what all the parties do in the end.

What we need is a NO goverment state.....and then at least we wont be shovelling billions to other countries who just spunk it all away.
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