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Old July 14th, 2012, 12:25
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taylormade taylormade is offline  
I am Titty fancier
Join Date: Apr 2008
Location: newcastle/falkirk
Posts: 2,598

probably Malaga herbie, a friend has appartment in fuengirola, I fancy a couple of months relaxing near the sea in the sun, havent sorted dates out yet,but probably sept/oct. was looking at getting a decent villa with pool but prices are a bit steep, was hoping I could get away for a couple of grand,but will cost double that just for the villa, fancy a bit of relaxation in the sun , but if I go down villa route,familly and friends will no doubt decide they need a holiday too. Im visiting a mate in Murcia which I think is near benidorm, if dates allow, we could meet up and I buy you a few bottles of local nectar,will let you know when I get dates sorted out,

Adios y tener suerte.
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