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Old June 1st, 2008, 00:02
themanwiththeknow themanwiththeknow is offline
Join Date: Aug 2007
Posts: 857
Default fantastic post

as always benny

look i am going to set the record straight once and for all

i know mystery21/laddiesking, he is my brother

i know what he is like and quite frankly he is an arrogant twit at times, when all that went off on ladbrokes forum i was sick of me being accused as him

so thats why i left, as far as i know he was permanantly banned from laddies forum, if he is back as betdevil or whatever i have no knowledge, i havent seen/spoke to im in like 4months

i have been a member here for god knows how long and have never once acted the big man, boasting about this and that, and i have never abused anyone

mystery21/laddesking cannot go to a forum and be nice, he has to act the big man eveywhere hes goes, always has to cause trouble and is alays looking for conflict, that isnt me, we are like chalk and cheese

i didnt want people to know i was his brother as you would automatically think it was me or tarnish us both with the same brush,

pokerplaya you said betdevil was about to be banned again, so no doubt he is causing trouble acting the big man again, its is more than obvious he cannot go to any forum and be nice to anyone, i have been nothing but respectable since i have been here, never boasted about this or that and never challenged anyone to anything, it is quite clear we are 2 different people, if you want to think i am him then fine that is you're perogative, but i will continue to be myself and gaurentee you wont get any conflict or abuse from me
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